How it works

How you are in your own space affects how you are in your life. The quality of your home environment supports your being in the world. The home is yours; your expression of your values, your micro-world and your escape from the world. We all need a sense of security, place, privacy and belonging in order to cope with the flux and challenges of daily life. We all have a different idea of home and many of us move house many times. Our homes change with us and we change with them.

Space Coaching aims to enhance your relationship with your living space and the investment and expression of your self in it. A living space is not static but inspiring. It changes as we change and allows new things to come into it. It is clean. Clean means it is fresh and clear, it allows change and movement and potential. It reflects the best things about ourselves, what we love and value, it is part of who we are and our expression of that. It is who we are now, not who we used to be. It nurtures our sense of being in the world.

The Living Consultancy Package

An initial space audit and attitude questionnaire will be followed by a session of around two hours in your own home (depending on your needs), consisting of a combination of space coaching to explore your feelings about your home and living space and visioning to explore potential, your aspirations and to identify areas within your space that need attention.

A brief detailing actions and ideas that we identify through the session will be created to support you to make the changes you want.

A follow up session will be arranged within one month.

One off space coaching sessions can also be arranged outside of your home (not suitable for Create Space).

Contact me on 0759 110 4080 or to arrange an informal chat to see how I can help you.